Livio Pigoni
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Livio Pigoni

Livio Pigoni is research assistant in the Think Tank of the Center for Security Studies (CSS) at ETH Zurich. He is a graduate in International Relations and Security Studies and specializes in cyber security, Internet governance, and transnational terrorism.

Articles de Livio Pigoni

Politique 22 janvier 2015

Conservers, Swingers, and Censors: Searching for the Common Denominator in Cyber Governance

For a long time, the Internet represented a global resource transcending national borders. It was the epitome of boundlessness and globalization. But this vision was shaken to its core by the Snowden Affair in 2013. The revelations of NSA whistle-blower Edward Snowden introduced new energy to an old power struggle in cyberspace. A quarter of a century after the invention of the World Wide Web, various actors are trying to bring the future of Internet governance into line with their own interests...